- 〒221-0044 神奈川県横浜市神奈川区東神奈川2-48-23第一京浜沿い、東神奈川駅東口すぐ
- ー
- 09:30 〜 19:30
- CLOSE営業時間前
- 車検点検
- 出張・店舗査定
- 板金
- キッズルームあり
We offer you good condition car for convince price.

Hello everyone.
This is Shohei Ishiodori, from Gulliver.
Thanks for viewing our shop’s web site.
We are collecting the decent condition cars, by utilizing Gulliver about 600 shops networks.
You can choose a car from the nationwide inventory that arrives every day in one store.
If you have a desired car and conditions, please feel free to visit our shop.
You may be able to find a car, which you get interest.
Also, we can offer convincing price for you.
Gulliver higashikanagawa is located just 5min away from HIGASHIKANAGAWA station.
One stop away from YOKOHAMA station by train. it's really easy access.
We look forward to your visit.
