- 〒053-0054 北海道苫小牧市明野新町1-2-1国道36号線沿い、イオンさん向かい
- ー
- 09:00 〜 20:00
- CLOSE営業時間終了
- 出張・店舗査定
- キッズルームあり
来店前のご予約で、 待ち時間を短縮!
混雑を気にせず 予約時間にご来店ください。スタッフのつぶやき
Today's Lunch!!!
Good afternoon!!
Thank you for viewing the blogs from Gulliver, Route36 Tomakomai as always.
This time I'm writing this blog in English.
If someone likes it, I will continue to write like this even about new cars or something.
I took ramen away today!
The ramen is Miso flavour made by Maeda-ya.
I love ramen though, the ramen is Awesome! Really!
I am really fan of the ramen places, yes, Maeda-ya is one of chain of ramen XD
However, if you like ramen, I strongly recommend this chain ramen store!
We look forward to welcoming you in our shop.
Gulliver, Route36 Tomakomai SP Kawamura